Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What's this got to do with me?

Well, because of the fact that I don't actually posses the ability to be patient I thought this was a quality first post for me. My impatience has actually been my downfall as to why I'm a little overweight these days. I need instant gratification, and If I can't have that then why the hell am I doing this shit? That has been my attitude for exercise, work, and pretty much any situation you can think of where patience is a virtue. I used to play very competitive racquetball or 'tennis is a room' as most people know it. I was in great shape. I could literally play eleven or twelve games of R-ball before I started to show fatigue. I was a savage back in the day though. Today is a much different scenario. I am going to have to start from scratch again. Something my patience doesn't really want to allow me to do, but Im going to do it anyway. I am going to record this journey via the internet via this blog. I am going to prove myself wrong, fat guys can have patience, even when pre-genetically chosen to be impatient. This is not all I am going to record though. There is so much more that I have to share beyond my shallow dreams of being in good physical shape again. I am going to have to convince you that I am also back in good mental shape again. I'll will be updating this blog to enlighten you all and hopefully give you an understanding on how to start from scratch with life. How to overcome life's obstacles even when you already think it's too late. I am Fecious. Follow my lead and keep your eye and mind on what matters most in life, which hopefully we can agree are family and friends, health...etc.

Click Here to get a little extra help burning those first few pounds.

Click here for products I recommend for losing weight.

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