Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 1 workout, not so bad...feeling pretty good.

So at this point I commend anyone who is actually following my routine in any way shape or form. That means that you are somewhat serious about continuing this venture. Before I go into the exercises I did tonight, I just want to let you in on what I ate today. This morning, like I said before, I ate some toast. Just plain rainbow Iron kids bread toast. No butter this morning, just because I wasn't in the mood, but if you like a little tiny tiny tiny bit just for a little flavor, then I guess. I'd really rather you not though. Maybe some low fat, or lite butter or something like that would be better. For a snack at around ten o' clock in the morning, I had a banana and some pretzels. Pretzels are low in fat and can really curb the appetite. For lunch, I had a delicious foot long subway sandwich. I had Turkey and ham on white bread. No oil or vinegar and easy on the Mayo. A perfectly healthy lunch, and I was quite satisfied. I didn't have any chips but every now and again I throw in some baked Lays for a little extra. It doesn't matter. You may just have to workout extra hard that night. So, for dinner I had a rotisserie chicken from the Super Market. They make delicious whole chickens spiced up and ready to eat for like 5 bucks. They are healthy and contain large amounts of protein which is good for you. They also don't have much carbs at all, which is good because we all know Carbs are better consumed in the morning, not so much later. With the chicken I had some pretzels and some vegetables. Thats it. The pretzels have some carbs but I don't care. If I snack on anything from now until I go to bed, it will be some more chicken or nothing at all.

My exercises. I did a quick 30 minute long workout with my resistance bands.
Round 1.

*Please do these exercises at your own risk. If you're smart enough to get on this website, you're smart enough to know whether you can handle an exercise or not. Use common sense here folks, if you feel faint or dizzy, then please stop. Get some water, and take a long walk or something.

If you don't know how to stretch, I would consider looking it up online. For all of you that were born on this planet, let continue. Stretch nice and long. Don't be rushed. Feel a nice burn. Stretch your legs real good as well as your arms. If you people absolutely need a picture on how to do this, email me and I will literally send you a picture example of me or my wife doing the exercise as soon as possible.

Next exercise Push-ups (standard). I started with some push-ups. Easy one's, nothing crazy. 8-10 of them to start (because I'm way out of shape) Start with at the push-up position - go down slowly touch your chest to the ground and slowly come back up. It's a very deliberate motion. No 'herky jerky' movements going on. These are standard push-ups. Place your hands about 6 inches wider than your shoulders when doing these. Breathe out on the way up, and in on the way down on these.

Next exercise Back flies. I grab my resistance band, I grab both ends with my hands, I twist the band to make it a shorter motion. I step on the loop and I do back fly's. Back flies are easy. You bend the legs a little bit, hold the handles with your palms facing each other and pull back to utilize your shoulder blade. Really try and feel your shoulder blade pulling the resistance, and doing all the work. It's important that you get maximum resistance on your back. Pull back, hold it for about a second then slowly bring your hands back to start. Your going to stand with one leg slightly in front of the other on this exercise. Remember to keep your legs bent and your back straight on this exercise. Breathe out on the way up and in on the way out on these. Do 8-10 of these, whatever you feel comfortable with.

Next Exercise shoulder flies. Stand holding the to handles. Stand on the cable that is on the ground. Position your arms so that they are parallel to the ground, and life up till your wrists are even with your shoulders, hold it for one second, and bring your arms back down. You may have to twist the resistance cable and stand on the loop to get good resistance on this exercise. You be the judge of that. Keep your head up and your back straight on all of these exercises. Do 8-10 like I did. You'll start feeling good soon.

Next are standard curls. Step on the cable with both feet. Grab the two ends with each hand, and do your standard curl motion. Working your bicep muscles and isolating them as much as possible. You want to go ALL THE WAY UP, AND ALL THE WAY DOWN when you do this exercise. No herky Jerky motions, your body should stay completely still when doing these. The more your body moves, the less isolation on your muscle, leaving you to remain a weak sauce. Like the tortoise and the Hair taught us long ago "Slow and steady wins the race". They were exactly right on the money. The slower you do these exercises, the more you'll get out of them. Don't rush, you have to do them correctly to see any kind of result. So, if you're me now, I'll send you a picture or a movie of me doing them. Not hard though.

Next exercise are One arm kick backs. These are a triceps exercise. All you do is throw one end of the cable on the ground, hold one end in your right hand hold the cable palm facing up right by your ear and elbow bent in front of your face. In this position, you now raise the handle up using your triceps muscle to do this, hold for a tick, and bring it back down. 8-10 times. Do them slowly and correctly.

Next Exercise, Lunges. Lunges are easy stand straight up, arm at your sides. Take a big step with your left foot right in front of you, and stand back up where your left foot left off. Turn around and repeat with right leg. Easy. Simple. Lunges are tried and true and really really work your legs if you do them correctly. None of these work if you don't do them right. It's difficult to just describe these exercises to you, and the internet just isn't that cool, so like I said before I would have to send them to you via email, so get at me.

When you are done with your lunges, take a 30 second water a towel break and then repeat all of the steps 2 more times. Don't kill yourself doing these...It's day 1. If you can't picture the exercise in your head, don't make up an exercise, write me and tell me to clarify. All right. When you done with all 3 circuits, stretch again for another several minutes, then your done. For today. It was so so easy wasn't it. No brainer stuff.

Well kids, its time for me to say goodnight. I'll see ya in the morning.

Feesh Out.

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